Monday, January 11, 2010


I've just watched "Sherlock Holmes" and all I can say is it's exquisite.
Why did I say so ?

It will require your full attention because of their accent (kidding). But seriously, I find myself so connected to the movie because I felt that I'm one of Holmes (Downey Jr.) accomplice. Why did I say so? The movie will show you what happened while the characters are not shown in that scene by Holmes's hypothesis in the crime.
Aside from that, there are incidents where they will show you why did Holmes did such activity.
Every movement has an explanation. Why did he hit a man in his jaw. Why hit that man in that certain angle, stuffs like that.

And speaking of one of Holmes accomplice, Watson (Jude Law) , Holmes's sidekick and best friend shown excellent companionship, encouragement, and loyalty to his friend. But of course there are cases where they argue, oppose and disagree with each others ideas. Which I think is very common and usual in a friendship.

At his age, I still find Jude Law really HOT!!!

And by the way, Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) is hot too.

And going back to Sherlock Holmes, staying inside the for 2 hours it worth it. I can say that I've achieved the worth of my money.
Hope you'll enjoy it the way I do.

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